Kwinana Energy Transformation Hub
The only cryogenic gas and green hydrogen testing facility in the southern hemisphere
Previously known as the LNG Futures Facility and a project of the Future Energy Exports CRC, the KETH will consist of:
- A 2 MW PEM (polymer electrolyte membrane) hydrogen electrolyser producing up to 800 kg/day of hydrogen.
- A fully instrumented 10 tonnes per day (tpd) small-scale LNG plant.
- A broad range of testing facilities for third parties.
A small scale LNG and renewable hydrogen facility
A sustainable certification and testing facility
An accessible, industrial-scale facility for trialling and de-risking innovative technologies
A highly instrumented live-plant training environment
A collaboration platform
Working towards Net Zero production processes
Unlocking the path to net zero
To achieve a net-zero energy system requires new technologies, value chains and ways of working.
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been liquefied and supercooled, decreasing in volume by a factor of 600 to enable it to be transported around the world.
Hydrogen is a versatile low-carbon gas and can play a vital role delivering a reliable, resilient and sustainable clean energy future.
The Future
Our energy sector must develop, de-risk and decarbonise this decade for a successful energy transition.